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Top 10 Most Useful ERC20 Tokens

Top 10 Most Useful ERC20 Tokens

ERC20 is a technical standard used for developing and issuing smart contracts on the Ethereum system. ERC stands for Ethereum Request for Comment, while  20 is a unique ID assigned to this request. To date, over 170, 000 ERC-20 tokens are available on Ethereum main network.  During the 2017 boom of ICOs, ERC-20 tokens gained...

5 Best Apps For Trading Cryptocurrency On The Go

5 Best Apps For Trading Cryptocurrency On The Go

Crypto trading is simply the exchange of cryptocurrencies based on prices determined by market forces. Cryptocurrencies trading is for two main purposes, either to acquire some digital assets or make money. Cryptocurrency trading is done on different platforms. We have websites, desktop, and mobile applications. Mobile applications stand out because they enable traders to exchange...

Top 10 Ethereum dApps Games

Top 10 Ethereum dApps Games

Decentralized Applications (dApps) are computer applications that operate on a distributed computing system. The Ethereum blockchain is undoubtedly the king of smart contracts and dApps. Despite the cryptocurrency market experiencing volatility, the same is not for the blockchain sector. Ethereum is the base for over 90% of global dApps and smart contracts. With time, this...

10 Cryptocurrency Websites You Should Know

10 Cryptocurrency Websites You Should Know

If you are a cryptocurrency enthusiast or investor, we have websites that should be on your homepage.  With the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies, an investor should be aware of the slightest news in the industry. Staying on top of this news is critical to succeeding as an investor. In this guide, we have a collection...

Best Cardano (ADA) Wallets

Best Cardano (ADA) Wallets

Cardano is a decentralized system, based on the blockchain technology which runs its own cryptocurrency called the ADA coin. The platform has similarities to Ethereum because it supports smart contracts and it can set up Decentralized Apps. Cardano is the first peer-to-peer transaction system and it is arguably the only project to emerge from a...

Top 5 Cryptocurrency Prediction In 2019

Top 5 Cryptocurrency Prediction In 2019

It is clear 2018 was a bad year for the cryptocurrency market. The market drop came after the sector witnessed an unprecedented boom in 2017. Many began the year with great anticipation hoping that the impressive trend would continue. However, within the first quarter of 2018, the price of Bitcoin dropped by about 65 percent....

How To Buy Bitcoin With PayPal

How To Buy Bitcoin With PayPal

Over the years, cryptocurrency lovers have been using different Bitcoin buying options with alternatives payments systems popping up daily. Bitcoin investment is considered as a profitable venture and many people are looking for easier ways to access the maiden cryptocurrency. One reason why adoption of cryptocurrencies has been slow is due to the tedious process...

What Is BEAM Coin – How BEAM coin works & how to mine

What Is BEAM Coin – How BEAM coin works & how to mine

Beam is open-source cryptocurrency running on the Mimblewimble blockchain. The Beam development team seeks to create a new privacy-enhanced alternative to the original Bitcoin blockchain with a user-friendly approach and a startup mindset. Beam was the first cryptocurrency under the Mimblewimble protocol and later followed by the Grin coin. Beam is set up on an...

How to Mine Grin Coin (GRIN)

How to Mine Grin Coin (GRIN)

Grin is a cryptocurrency built on the Mimblewimble blockchain with a focus on privacy and scalability. The open source coin is the second implementation of the MimbleWimble blockchain after Beam coin. Compared to Beam, Grin has adopted a community-driven decentralized approach. The Grin project also comes with a simple design to enable peer-to-peer transactions. However,...

Bitcoin vs Gold – Which Is A Better Asset To Store Your Wealth?

Bitcoin vs Gold – Which Is A Better Asset To Store Your Wealth?

Bitcoin is the most valuable cryptocurrency since its inception. Bitcoin’s reputation is due to the 2017 bearish run experienced in the crypto world where the market value hit an all-time high. To date, many still consider  Bitcoin as a viable investment for any cryptocurrency lover. Before ruling Bitcoin as the best cryptocurrency investment, it is...