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Cryptocurrency News

Dash Vs. Monero

Dash Vs. Monero

When Dash and Monero came into existence, their main focus has been security and privacy. But who’d won in a Dash vs Monero contest? Dash and Monero have unique qualities for the market compared to other top rated cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Regarding market capitalization and adoption, both tokens are small when compared to Bitcoin or...

The Process of Withdrawing From Coinbase To PayPal

The Process of Withdrawing From Coinbase To PayPal

American-based Coinbase cryptocurrency exchange has grown in popularity market due to various services. In terms of daily trading volume, Coinbase Pro remains among the leading exchange platforms, with a ~$160 million on average.  The platform established by Fred Ehrsam and Briand Armstrong seven years ago boasts of a friendly user interface. Cryptocurrency traders who are...

Wirex vs Crypto.com – Which One Is Better

Wirex vs Crypto.com – Which One Is Better

Wirex vs Crypto.com cards The Wirex company offers cryptocurrency wallets linked to debit cards, digital currency, and fiat currency. The firm provides a Wirex visa card that allows you to load it with cryptocurrencies and use for payment services and withdrawals just like a regular card.It is important to note that the funds are deducted...

Best Crypto To Mine In 2020 – How to pick a good cryptocurrency to mine

Best Crypto To Mine In 2020 – How to pick a good cryptocurrency to mine

Cryptocurrency mining is the process of checking transactions to determine if they have adhered to specific rules of the network and added to the blockchain’s register. But what are the best cryptocurrencies to mine in 2019? With cryptocurrency mining, miners compete with one another to solve challenging mathematical problems that come with cryptographic hash functions....

MimbleWimble – The Magical Blockchain Implementation

MimbleWimble – The Magical Blockchain Implementation

MimbleWimble may sound strange, but it might soon be one of the most common words spoken by the blockchain and crypto community. Much like the curse from the Harry Potter series, it prevents information from being revealed in crypto words privacy enabled. It was initially drafted in 2016, with references to Greg Maxwell’s confidential transactions...

EtherMium Decentralized Exchange Review

EtherMium Decentralized Exchange Review

Multi-functionality is one of the most favorite qualities of any product. Especially if the functionality of the project meets user requirements. All functions obliged to be performed efficiently, reliably and without fail. Meantime decentralized exchanges grow in popularity but go off the quality. Decentralized exchange (DEX) – is an exchange that uses the blockchain technology;...